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Art installation

Art and culture opportunities

Find out how you can apply to be part of our programmes here at Eden.

Art opportunities

We run an annual programme of temporary exhibitions, new commissions, live events and workshops, both onsite and online. We're delighted to offer our incredible resources to artists, writers and creative practitioners, to support and facilitate artistic and cultural projects that engage with topics of social or environmental relevance.

We welcome proposals to become part of our programme. To apply, please download the application form, complete and return as a PDF, titled 'NAME TYPE OF PROPOSAL' to

Please note, due to limited budgets, we can only accept exhibition proposals that are funded, or with match funding already secured. For open residencies, these are not funded; however, we may be able to offer some in-kind support.

Occasionally, we will advertise fully-funded opportunities with restricted timeframes. Please keep an eye on our website and sign up to our arts newsletter for the latest announcements.

We also welcome proposals to deliver workshops as part of our art programme. If you are interested in delivering a workshop at Eden then please contact

Due to high interest we may take some time to respond, but endeavour to get back to all enquiries. Any proposals will be evaluated by our team and we will be in contact if we have further questions or would like to offer you an open exhibition or residency.