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Tour guide showing visitors the Rainforest Biome

10% off Premium Experiences

Make your visit even more memorable with one of our Premium Experiences. Eden Project members get to enjoy a discounted rate of 10% off. 

About the experience

An adventure awaits inside our Biomes. Enjoy an Immersive Experience and discover the wonders, history and mysteries of these important habitats. Our unique Eden experiences will transport you across the world to the timeless tropical rainforest or the magnificent Mediterranean.

Each tour will last approximately 2.25 hours and you will have the chance to ask any questions to our insightful tour guides.

Couple walking across a wobbly bridge in the Rainforest Biome

How to book

To purchase your Premium Experience please click on the link below or give the Membership Team a call on 01726 811932 (Mon-Fri 9.30am-3pm).